The Scientist Network community for Food Safety coordinated by ACHIPIA, is made up of Academics, Researchers, Public and Private Sector Professionals and International Entities related to food, particularly those who are focused on ensuring food safety and quality or concerned about customers’ health regarding foodborne diseases in order to encourage the production of healthy and safe food.
In this section, you will find contacts in the following categories:
I. Groups of experts by area
The scientific community is made up of groups of academics and/or professionals from major areas in the food field. These groups are called “Groups of Experts by area” who study and analyze fundamental issues regarding their field of expertise. They also advise the Chilean Agency for Food Safety and Quality (ACHIPIA) when necessary.
There are 8 groups of especialist:
- Microbiological Hazards [1]
- Risk Assessment [2]
- Chemical Contaminants [2]
- Quality and Safety [3]
- Residues of [4]Veterinary Drugs [4]
- Pesticides [5]
- Natural Toxins [6]
- Food Additives [7]
II. Areas
In general, this community organizes the information in three major categories according to its members’ occupation. Its main objective is to perform a clear informative role for users.
- Academy [8]
- Public Service [9]
- Industry [10]
The scientific community mentioned is a system that creates contact and communication among professionals from different regions in our country. Based on the users’ specializations, they are shown graphically in each region of Chile, in such a way that users can find their contacts by region. There is also a fourth category, in which they will find professionals wherever they are:
- Region [11]
III. Full List
The Scientific Network has a Data Base with about 1.000 contacts and the number is expected to increase depending on the participation and motivation of key actors in Food Safety.